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              1. <blockquote id='4xXelF'><q id='4xXelF'><noscript id='4xXelF'></noscript><dt id='4xXelF'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='4xXelF'><i id='4xXelF'></i>


                Focus on high-performance thermoplastic elastomers


                Committed to solutions for thermoplastic elastomers

                In 2015, with a mission and a dream, with the original intention of promoting the development of my country's thermoplastic elastomer material industry, the goal is to build the company into a comprehensive thermoplastic elastomer solution expert. Gathering a team with more than 20 years of rich experience in R&D, production and management in the polymer materials industry, embarked on a new journey of entrepreneurship and established Shanghai ETON Polymer Co., Ltd.

                We firmly believe that technology is the fundamental driving force and core competitiveness of enterprise development. The company is led by experts who enjoy special allowances from the State Council to set up a number of R&D teams led by PhDs in materials science, and has more than 20 authorized invention patents.

                Pursue high-quality products, persevere in technological progress, and work with customers to continuously create new products and new values, and are committed to providing comprehensive and professional elastomer solutions.

                Shanghai Eton Polymer Co., Ltd.

                Application field

                Mainly used in transportation, electronic appliances, consumer goods, medical food and other fields

                The products are rapidly developed and widely used high-performance new materials, with outstanding environmental protection characteristics, breaking the international monopoly, and accelerating the development of thermoplastic elastomers are of great significance to the development of my country's new material industry.

                Mainly used in transportation, electronic appliances, consumer goods, medical food and other fields

                The products are rapidly developed and widely used high-performance new materials, with outstanding environmental protection characteristics, breaking the international monopoly, and accelerating the development of thermoplastic elastomers are of great significance to the development of my country's new material industry.

                Mainly used in transportation, electronic appliances, consumer goods, medical food and other fields

                The products are rapidly developed and widely used high-performance new materials, with outstanding environmental protection characteristics, breaking the international monopoly, and accelerating the development of thermoplastic elastomers are of great significance to the development of my country's new material industry.

                Mainly used in transportation, electronic appliances, consumer goods, medical food and other fields

                The products are rapidly developed and widely used high-performance new materials, with outstanding environmental protection characteristics, breaking the international monopoly, and accelerating the development of thermoplastic elastomers are of great significance to the development of my country's new material industry.
